Category Archives: Service Marketing

Tony the Traitor – Paddy’s at it again!

Firstly I must apologise and as this is again football related, but seeing as the majority of television is now based around the world cup, it seems counterintuitive not to discuss it.

So who actually thought that we were ever going to beat Italy?

Paddy Power must have been licking their lips as the surprising english optimism was once again shot down by ‘Pirlo’ and his band of bearded heroes. The only surprising thing about this game, was how quickly Paddy Power produced such a brilliant piece of advertising. It was evidently pre planned, and it would have been funny to see there advertisement had England actually won the game, but then I suppose pigs can’t fly!


Paddy Power hung a man named Tony, in a gibbet, because he cashed in on making a fortune because Italy won the game, is a stroke of genius. As you can see, the text is bold and is immediately identifiable, and highlights how strong the Paddy Power brand has become.


Yes some of their campaigns such as ‘Money Back if Oscar Walks’ may have gone a little to far, but in terms of publicity and a reaction to their campaigns, they do generate interest and discussion.


Yet again Paddy Power have reacted quickly and this time managed to put a positive spin on what was a terrible night for all English Optimists. Lets hope they can keep this going and that their expressive freedom is not curtailed by a small majority.






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